Sunday, December 14, 2014

Last Post from Mrs. Chmura

It is with mixed emotions that I write this last post.  I am sad to be leaving this group, but very proud of what they have accomplished so far this year.  I am excited for all that Mrs. Hills will teach this group, and know that she will be a wonderful teacher for them.

Here is what we did this past week:
  • Math: We took our unit 3 test and started on unit 4.  We have reviewed money and started subtraction from 100 and ungrouping in subtraction.  
  • Writing:  Students made a web to organize their informational writing topics and headings, and organized the headings into chapters.  Students wrote introductions for their informational books and started drafting.
  • Reading:  Students continued to read non-fiction, and have learned how to use a glossary and an index.
Spelling words: get, through, back, much, go

Homework:   A math worksheet on shapes went home in homework folders this week.  Please send it back to school completed in your child's homework folder by Friday.

Christmas Program:  Is the 16th.  2nd grade is in the first program at 6:30.  A sheet went home this past week with lots of details.  Please ask if you have any questions.

Christmas Party:  It will be on Friday at the end of the day.

Book It!: Don't forget to keep filling in the December charts.  Reading 20 minutes a day and turning in the chart at the end of the month will earn your reader a personal pizza certificate.

THANK YOU:  I was surprised on Friday by a fun going-away party put on by Mrs. Hills.  Thanks to those who came!  Thank you also for all the generous gifts that you gave me.  I truly feel that getting to teach in your child's class has been a huge gift for me, and to be showered with such thoughtful gifts was beyond any expectations.  Thank you, sincerely!

All correspondence should be directed to Mrs. Hills moving forward, and you can expect all posts to come from her from now on.  Thanks again for sharing your child with me for the last 3 months!  

Mrs. Hills' e-mail:

Mrs. Chmura
Long-Term Substitute for Mrs. Hills
2nd Grade
Park Elementary  

Saturday, December 6, 2014

2nd to the Last Post from Mrs. Chmura

Yep, you read correctly.  This is my last week with this spectacular group of 2nd graders, so next week will be my last post before Mrs. Hills comes back.  I can't believe how fast the time went. I guess time flies when you are having fun!  Here's how we spent our time this past week:
  • Math: We continued learning about measuring and learned about line plots.  We will be having our test on Monday for unit 3.
  • Social Studies: This week we finished our unit on Economics. 
  • Writing:  We have been talking about informational writing.  We have looked ways authors use different text features to enhance their writing.  We have also started to talk about choosing good topics for our writing.
  • Reading:  We are currently reading non-fiction, and learning how to draw out information from our non-fiction books.
Spelling words: called, just, where, most, know

Homework:   A math review sheet went home in this week.  Please have your child complete both sides and turn it in on Friday (in the purple homework folder).  There is a question that requires a ruler, but if you don't have one at home, feel free to skip it.

Christmas Program:  Is the 16th.  2nd grade is in the first program at 6:30.  More details will come this week.

Book It!: Don't forget to keep filling in the December charts.  Reading 20 minutes a day and turning in the chart at the end of the month will earn your reader a personal pizza certificate.

Santa's Workshop: It will be during class this Thursday.  Be looking for what your child made in his/her backpack.

Top 10 Things about Mrs. Hills:  In order to get to know Mrs. Hills a little as we anticipate her return on December 15th, we have been learning one thing about her everyday.  Here's what we learned so far:
    1.  Her daughter, Emily, is 5 months old.
    2.  This is her 11th year teaching.
    3.  She lived in Florida after college, but came back to teach in Michigan.
    4.  Her favorite candy is Almond Joy (but she loves chocolate in general.
    5.  Her favorite food is chicken, and she loves Mexican food.

We are excited for her return, and she is excited to be coming back soon!  

Mrs. Chmura
Long-Term Substitute for Mrs. Hills
2nd Grade
Park Elementary  

Monday, December 1, 2014

Super Short Post for a Super Short Week

The week before Thanksgiving was a short one, so this post will be a little shorter than usual.  Here are the highlights, and some things to keep in mind for this week.

Spelling words: (they are new this week) long, little, very, after, words

Homework:   No homework this week. New homework will come home Friday, and will be due the following Friday (the 12th).

Assembly on Tuesday: It was fun!  Mr. Field and other teachers talked about our theme of "being the one" this year.  Examples of students who were caught being the one were shared, and the video of our staff doing the ALS ice bucket challenge was shown.

Book It!: Don't forget to turn in November charts.  December charts should have come home today.  Reading 20 minutes a day and turning in the chart at the end of the month will earn your reader a personal pizza certificate.

Hope you had a nice Thanksgiving Break!

Mrs. Chmura
Long-Term Substitute for Mrs. Hills
2nd Grade

Park Elementary